Things to Consider when Seeking Professional Help
When reaching out to a professional for guidance with a persistent issue that you or your child is having, it’s important to consider the answers to the following questions. This will help in the review process.
Psychological Testing
A psychological test is an evaluation that gives your care provider a snapshot of your emotional state, thought processes, reasoning, and cognitive functioning.
What Is Psychological Testing
Psychological testing is an evaluation that gives your providers a snapshot of your emotional state, thought processes, reasoning, and cognitive functioning.
Motivating a Brain with ADHD
Know what motivates you if you are a person with ADHD so that you can help yourself better plan for the future. Sometimes it takes more than just planning ahead.
How ADHD Affects Our Brains
While this varies from person to person, it’s important to understand how the brain is affected by ADHD so that you can then plan to manage symptoms better.
ADHD In Boys Vs. Girls
ADHD can present differently between boys and girls. Boys are three times more likely to receive an ADHD diagnosis than girls.
Comprehensive Evaluations for all ages..
Testing is used to understand the nature of the difficulties and figure out the best way to address the challenges.
Boost your child’s language skills
By the time most children reach 3 years of age, they have approximately 1,000 words. A predictor of academic success for children is their vocabulary when they start Kindergarten.
IEP & 504 plans
What is the difference between and Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and 504?
Psychological evaluation services offered
Psychological evaluations can be appropriate for individuals of all ages. Various difficulties may include ⠀
Telehealth Psychological Evaluations
At home, & here to help virtually. For me, it has taken a bit to regulate to this abnormal situation. For the most part, I conduct psychological assessments.
You are not alone.
We are here to help and continue to serve our community & clients. We are offering services virtually to new and current clients.
Considering a psychological evaluation?
If you are curious about testing services and how these can benefit a person, call today for a consultation 210-384-1254. I evaluate individuals of all ages to determine diagnostic and treatment recommendations.
At what age should my child…
Developmental milestones act as checkpoints in a child's development to determine what the average child is able to do at a particular age.
Anxiety vs ADHD
Sometimes symptoms of one condition can mask the symptoms of another. ADHD and anxiety share some of the same symptoms & sometimes they co-occur.
why psychological testing?
Psychological tests help the clinician assess the cognitive and emotional functioning of children and adults by using verbal, visual, or written evaluations. Several psychological testing methods assess attributes like personality, mental ability, and neurological functioning.